
Work at your Web marketing...

"If you build it... they will come." Ha, wouldn't that be nice, IF it were true. The fact is, having a website designed and out on the big wide web will produce little if any results... UNLESS your web site designer knows what they are doing with design search engine optimization , and YOU, yes you, spend some time working at getting and keeping your URL on the web map and keeping it there. What, you mean I have to be involved in all of this? Yes mam, or sir, you do! Unless you want to spend oodles of cash on paid advertising... and who really clicks on those anyway?

I can not stress the importance of you being involved in keeping your website fresh and interesting and your roll in helping lead people to it. Here are some sweet tips!

1. Update your web content regularly. No one likes to see or read the same ol' stuff. Google as well as many other update their "look" daily. Provide your web designer with new images, text, or ideas often, or do it yourself with a content management system.
2. The Blog. This has got to be the easiest way to make changes and provide interest to your website audience. I suggest having one on your website and several others.
3. Social networking. Find forums related to your web market and make posts. Write articles about your area of expertise and submit. Join groups or start one related to your market and share information.
4. Press releases to your local print media. When you have something going on with your business, release the news to the press.
5. Be sure to always cross market your web site with all other forms of marketing, print, TV, radio, you may be doing. I can't believe how many times I have seen print ads where the company did not list their website in the ad!!

Yes, marketing yourself or business is work, but the rewards will be plentiful.

Feel free to contact me if you have a question, idea or just wish to chit chat!


Setting the mood~

mood~ creating an emotional tone or general attitude.

With web design, creating the mood is done with color, images, sound, font type and the over all layout of the design. creating the correct feel for your audience that really relates to your business is very important. It will set the tone for the way your web presentation is viewed and reacted to.

A well versed webdesigner will have studied color theory and typography, design elements and art composition. Designing an attractive website is like painting a picture, or taking a great photograph. All the elements need to convey the right message.

Keep this in mind so your are prepared to work together with your designer to produce optimum results!